Events Committee Members
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The Organisation and Policy Committee has responsibility for advising and making recommendations to the EC regarding: The Constitution and Regulations. The structure of the Membership. General policy and long term planning. Class association matters except for class technical issues. Operation of the Membership within their applicable constitutions and regulations. Operation …
The Racing Committee has the responsibility for advising and making recommendations to the EC regarding: Appendix E of the Racing Rules of Sailing. Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions. Regulations for the Organisation of Championships. Racing and Observing Systems. Management of Races.
The Technical Committee has responsibility for advising and making recommendations to the EC regarding: The Regulations for IRSA Classes and their Class Rules (Articles 8 to 18). International Class Administration Rules. Methods and procedures for measurement of boats and equipment.
The history of international model yacht racing is a long one, dating back as it does for nearly a century but, although most model yachtsmen of today know something about developments in the sport since the early seventies, when R/C racing created widespread interest, few have any knowledge of what …