Category: <span>Executive Committee</span>

Election of Chairmen of the ICCs

A proposal in the Executive Committee to elect members of the executive to be Chairmen of the International Class Committees (ICCs) has succeeded. They are as follows: Marblehead Chairman: Matteo Longhi (also RO Europe) A Class Chairman: Glenn Dawson (also RO Oceania) 10R Chairman: Selwyn Holland (also General Secretary) This …

Co-opting Bob Wells into the position of RO Americas

A proposal in the Executive Committee to accept the co-option of Bob Wells as RO Americas has succeeded. Text of the proposal and voting results can be seen below. Proposal: The proposal is to co-opt Bob Wells into the position of RO Americas. Author: Lester Gilbert (EC Chairman) Voting Result: …

Sending a representative to the 2016 Worlds

A proposal in the Executive Committee to send a representative to the 10R and M Worlds in Italy this year has succeeded. A subsequent proposal to send Bernard Merlaud (IRSA Vice Chairman) also succeeded. Text of the proposal and voting results can be seen below. Poll: 2016-S-6 Send Official Representative …

New Member Sailing Federation of Ukraine

We have received an application for IRSA membership from the Sailing Federation of Ukraine. They are an ISAF MNA, and so meet the requirements of Articles 5.1 and 5.2 of our Constitution. The Sailing Federation of Ukraine application to become a member of International Radio Sailing Association has been considered …