ITCA/IMCA World Championship 2023

This started with the competing bids between ITA and GBR for the world championship in 2020. Some people may remember the presentations during the M/10R world championship in Biblis 2018. Then Covid crashed every plan and the world championship in GBR 2020 was cancelled. The Italian crew nevertheless continued their work and planned for an European Championship in 2021 which was approved. But again because of Covid it was postponed first to 2021 and then to 2022. In parallel IOMICA moved its events around to get something up during these Covid times. A lot of background mail traffic was going between all the organizations involved and this has led to a new approach which can now be announced:

  • To avoid 3 world championships (IOMICA and ITCA/IMCA combined event) in one year
  • In the future return to one year of IOMICA worlds and one year for IMCA ITCA worlds
  • Covid forced the Italian Management team to move the event to 2023

The ITCA/IMCA Executive Committee therefor asked the Italian Management Team to change the 2023 event to an World Championship to come back to the proposed schedule and they accepted this approach.

So, we can announce now again a combined World Championship in Marblehead and Ten Rater Class in Italy

Castiglione del Lago, Italy

April 23rd to May 3rd, 2023

further information will come soon when website and more information is ready to publish.

Given the actions taken by Russia and Belarus against Ukraine, IRSA issues the following

The International Radio Sailing Association (IRSA) joins the International Olympic Committee and World Sailing in taking the decision to suspend participation of Russian and Belarusian sailors and officials from taking part in any competitions sanctioned by the IRSA until further notice, and strongly urges our DNM’s, Class Associations, affiliated bodies and all event organisers to take similar action

Historic News: Independent Marblehead and Tenrater International Class Associations have been formed.

They will now be responsible for all matters related to the classes. A foundation membership has developed for each but any other National Class Association or National Class Secretary is welcome to apply for membership. Their sites can be found here:

After many years as Class Associations within the IRSA, the Marblehead (IMCA) and the TenRater (ITCA) Class are now fully operational as an International Class Association. The last part was the separation and agreement with the IRSA on an Associate Membership. This gives the new associations the ability to now determine its own future including the development and promotion of international events like Regional and World Championships.

IMCA with name small        ITCA with name small

General Assembly 2020

Our 2020 GA has come to a close.
Thank you Selywn for preparing everything for us. You make it look easy!
Thanks to Graham Bantock for running for Events Chairman.
Thanks Glenn Dawson for all the great work you did as RO Oceania.
Welcome our new members Phil Holliday as Treasurer, and Lindsay Walker as RO Oceania.
Thanks to all that took the time to participate.

Steve Landeau