Introducing the 65 Class rules

Introducing the 65 Class rules

A part of the “mission statement” of the IRSA is to recognise and assist classes that have the potential to become a global competitive group.

While the RG65 class is well established across the world, the RG65 Class rules and class administration were not of a standard needed to satisfy the requirements to run “championships” (ie worlds, continental etc). To assist the class reach this goal, the IRSA Technical Committee has over the last couple of years:

1.created a draft set of class rules to the WS SCR format and thought to be in line with the current RG65 Class rules

2.developed a more specific set of class rules through direct contact, and then a dedicated forum, with the RG65 ICA and the wider RG65 community in general

The final product has now been published on the IRSA website here:

To avoid confusion with the RG65 Class and its class rules in the care of the RG65 ICA, the new class rules have been named the 65 Class rules.

In principle any RG65 class boat can comply with the 65 Class rules, obtain 65 Class certificates for its equipment and join a class for which legitimate continental and world championships can be run.

The holding of continental and world championships, ‘prohibited events’ and sailor eligibility within RC sailing (in general and not just for the RG65 class) is something which has attracted attention recently. For those who do not completely understand what is required when running or competing in championship (or “non-championship”) events, the IRSA is in the process of producing documents to clarify this for the RC community. Two of which have already been sent recently to the members to help with this rather confusing area.