Category: <span>Executive Committee</span>

New Member Austrian Sailing Federation

We have received an application for IRSA membership from the Austrian Sailing Federation / Österreichischer Segel-Verband ÖSV. They are an ISAF MNA, and so meet the requirements of Articles 5.1 and 5.2 of our Constitution. The Austrian Sailing Federation application to become a member of International Radio Sailing Association has been …

Clarification document on IRSA Class Policy

The EC recently voted for this document on Class Policy. This has been developed to supplement and summarise the Regulations and Constitution on this matter. The following are some key points in this policy document: In  addition to World Championships, only IRSA Classes can hold continental championships under the IRSA …

New IRSA Constitution Proposal Defeated

The IRSA Executive Committee worked for several months on a updated constitution. The current constitution is out of date on necessary housekeeping matters, such as the name change of ISAF to WS. But there are more changes necessary e.g. establish class committees, clarify how committees may reach decisions. Retiring no longer …

IRSA Policy on Prohibited Events and its Guide document

For years, especially before major events, it is discussed whether participants are eligible to participate who have previously participated in not sanctioned by World Sailing events. Requirements by World Sailing RRS: World Sailing Eligibility is required for all competitors who wish to enter Radio Sailing World Championships, and Competition Eligibility …