Proposal 2014-S-3: Class Administration approved

The Chairman submitted Proposal 2014-S-3: Class Administration on 23/05/2014. This proposal proposes to establish a committee for each of the IRSA International classes which do not have an affiliated International Class Association, pursuant to Article 8 of the IRSA Constitution. It is also proposes to offer a committee to support each of the other internationally active classes. The full proposal (pdf file)

Debate on this proposal was suspended between 30/05/2014 and 13/06/2014 to permit an amendment to be considered. Following the failure of the amendment, debate continued until 27/06/2014 when the vote was taken. The outcome of the vote was 5 in favour, 5 against. The Chairman used his casting vote to approve the proposal.

In favour: Chairman, OP-Chairman, RO-Europe, RO-Oceania, Technical-Chairman
Against: Publicity Officer, Racing-Chairman, RO_Americas, Secretary/Treasurer, Vice-Chairman
Casting vote: The Chairman used his casting vote to approve the proposal. 

Amendment to Proposal 2014-S-3: Class Administration

The Secretary submitted an Amendment to Proposal 2014-S-3: Class Administration on 30/05/2014. This amendment proposes to establish a single class committee with one representative for each of the existing International Classes plus any other classes reaching potential international class status. The amendment (pdf file) Debate on this amendment finished on 13/06/2014 and the outcome of the vote was 2 in favour, 5 against. The amendment failed.

In favour: Publicity Officer, Secretary
Against: Chairman, RO-Europe, RO-Oceania, Technical-Chairman, Vice-Chairman
Not present: Racing Chairman, RO-Americas, OP-Chairman

Proposal 2014-S-1 Publish voting records

The Chairman submitted Proposal 2014-S-1 Publish voting records on 16/05/2014. This proposal proposes that for every vote taken in the EC, committee, or sub-committee, a note is made of who voted and in what way. The voting record is then published in an appropriate way. Discussion of this proposal finished on 30/05/2014 and the outcome of the vote was determined on 05/06/2014 as : 10 in favour, none against. 

In favour: Chairman, OP-Chairman, Publicity-Officer, Racing-Chairman, RO-Americas, RO-Europe, RO-Oceania, Secretary, Technical-Chairman, Vice-Chairman
Against: none 

Proposal 2014-I-1 Establish a webpage to communicate IRSA business

The Secretary submitted Proposal 2014-I-1 Establish a webpage to communicate IRSA business on the web site on 30/05/2014. This proposal is concerned with setting a up a new page on the IRSA web site to publish all committee business. As the topic had been discussed separately prior to the proposal being proposed and there being no objections, voting on the proposal was immediately commenced. The voting closed on 03/06/2014. The outcome of the vote was 9 in favour, none against. Proposal succeeded.

In favour: Chairman, OP-Chairman, Publicity-Officer, Racing-Chairman, RO-Americas, RO-Europe, RO-Oceania, Secretary, Technical-Chairman
Against: none
Not present: Vice-Chairman  

EC Business List

The Chairman has posted his preliminary proposals for the constitutional, regulatory, and structural topics which need addressed in the 2014/2015 period. The current version of the list together with the current status of each topic is shown in the EC Business List tab.